How Often Do You Feed Hamsters?

How Often Do You Feed Hamsters?

How Often Do You Feed Hamsters?-

Because hamsters are such small animals, it can be challenging to determine the appropriate amount of food to give them, particularly if you are a new owner of a hamster.

Hamsters are among the cutest rodents that can be found everywhere in the world. Their fur is softer than the softest textiles that have ever been created, and their itty-bitty paws can quickly claw their way into your heart.

These teeny creatures are members of the family Cricetidae, and there are 19 different species of hamsters. The golden hamster, also known as the Syrian hamster, is the most common variety kept as a pet.

Syrian and dwarf hamsters are popular pets, but there are 18 wild species. All are omnivores who eat fruits, vegetables, and rare meat, but their diets vary based on their surroundings. In captivity, some owners provide these omnivores with boiling egg bits for protein.

Let’s take a look at the appropriate diet for hamsters as well as the frequency with which they should be fed. Hamster owners need a comprehensive guide to make the best decision for their pets because the recommended amount of food provided to hamsters varies not only with the breed but also with the food being fed to it.

How Often Do You Feed Hamsters?

Dietary requirements for hamsters must be meticulously organized and strictly adhered to. A diet that is nutrient-dense while also being low in calories and free of sugar, salt, and, in general, everything that contributes to weight gain is the optimal way to ensure that they have a healthy diet.

Since hamsters have such small bodies, they are unable to consume meals that are considered to be unhealthy. It is common knowledge that they are sensitive creatures, and it is also recognized that their delicate digestive system is very different from ours. They are unable to easily eliminate possibly hazardous or potentially toxic substances from their bodies when they are exposed to these substances. In addition to this, they are more likely to become ill fast and experience a variety of health issues.

The quantity of food that hamsters consume daily is an extremely significant consideration when it comes to their nutrition. It is recommended that you give your hamster food twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

These adorable tiny ones have a true passion for food and a voracious appetite. Because of this, they have a high propensity to overeat, which can lead to obesity. Because of their predisposition to develop diabetes due to their genes, hamsters should limit their consumption of particular foods.

How Often Should I Feed My Syrian Hamster?

It is best practice to provide your hamster with food daily. This is true for all varieties of hamsters, not just Syrian hamsters specifically. Every day, hamsters need to consume new food and drink clean water.

Feeding your hamster twice a day is recommended, especially if you are providing it with a Hamster Mix or Formula as part of its diet. One teaspoon of food should be consumed each day, divided as follows: one-half of a teaspoon of the mixture should be consumed in the morning, and the other half should be consumed in the evening.

You can add treats to this daily (although not all treats). You should also never keep vegetables or fruit in their cage for more than 24 hours, as they will start to rot. If your hamster hasn’t eaten their fruits and vegetables within a day, remove them from their environment.

You should provide your hamster with some chewy snacks once every other day. There is a distinction to be made between common goodies, such as apples, which you may give your hamster as a reward for completing its training, and more challenging delicacies.

Your hamster’s incisors should be kept filed down, so it is important to give them hard treats. This will help maintain their overall dental health.

Feed your hamster soft snacks regularly. This is especially true if you’re teaching your hamster tricks. Soft snacks with protein include cooked meats, low-fat, no-salt cottage cheese or hard-boiled eggs, wheat bread, and scrambled eggs.

Many owners worry about their hamster’s food habits but neglect the importance of hydration. Change your hamster’s water bottle often and keep it fresh for their wellbeing.

Pet stores sell hamster-sized water bottles with stems and ball bearings. The ball controls how much water hamsters sip. Your hamster can drink whenever they want, but the water must be fresh.

It takes the water two weeks to go bad, and that’s only if it’s in a glass. Bottled water, on the other hand, can be preserved for years or even decades if it is stored correctly.

You certainly wouldn’t drink old water, so there’s no reason to think your hamster would either. Every other day, the water in your hamster’s bowl should be changed, and the water can have supplements added to it if your veterinarian advises you to do so. However, you shouldn’t do this unless your veterinarian gives you the go-ahead to do so.

In addition to this, you should not utilize a water dish for the distribution process. Hamsters are untidy animals, and you can be sure that they will splash water all over the place. This is excellent for germs, parasites, and other such organisms, but it is not so good for the hamster itself.

Always feed your hamster at the same time. We all have obligations and responsibilities, so this won’t always be possible, but we should try. Syrian hamsters have a rapid metabolism (like dwarf hamsters) and need daily exercise and feeding. Morning or evening feeding is debatable.

Feeding your hamster in the morning ensures they have food all day. As nocturnal animals, hamsters are most active in the evening. You’ll win on both fronts if you feed them in the morning and evening.

How Often Should I Feed My Dwarf Hamster?

Dwarf hamsters need fresh food daily. What you feed it matters.

Feed your hamster Hamster Formula twice a day, in the morning and evening. Uneaten food rots quickly, so remove it.

Twice a week, give your hamster hard food. You can use daily treats (apples) to thank your hamster for training, but hard treats are different.

Dwarf hamsters need hard treats to keep their incisors filed down for optimal dental health. It’s like dog treats for hygiene. Let your hamster munch on miniature dog biscuits, commercial hamster snacks, or a small branch from a fruit-bearing tree.

Occasionally give your hamster soft treats. Soft goodies include cooked meats, cottage cheese, and hard-boiled eggs. Your hamster can also consume wheat bread and eggs.

Keep your hamster fed and hydrated. Many people ask, “How often should I feed my hamster?” yet few inquire, “How often should I change my hamster’s water bottle?” It’s important to do both often.

Pet stores sell hamster-sized water bottles with stems and ball bearings. The ball controls how much water hamsters sip. Your hamster can control how much they drink, but the water must be fresh.

Even though it takes two weeks for the water to go stale, you wouldn’t drink it, so why should your hamster? You can add nutrients to your hamster’s water after consulting with your vet.

While we’re talking about water, use a bottle, not a bowl or dish. Hamsters will generate a mess, which will attract bacteria and parasites.

If possible, feed your hamster at the same time daily. You probably won’t accomplish things perfectly every day, but try to keep a schedule. Dwarf hamsters have a high metabolism, thus they eat constantly. Whether to feed them in the evening or morning is debatable.

Generally nocturnal, hamsters are most active in the evening. Feeding them in the morning ensures they have food all day. Doing both may be preferable so your hamster has food 24/7.

Uneaten fruits and vegetables should be thrown away after 24 hours.

How Much Do You Feed a Hamster?

Always look at the instructions on the packaging before serving any commercial pellets or seed mixes. They typically come with instructions on the correct amount of food to provide.

In most cases, one day’s worth of hamster chow requires little more than one or two tablespoons’ worth. This is the optimal amount for most hamsters, and it also gives them room to save some for later. Dwarf and other dwarf varieties of hamsters have a lower caloric requirement than Syrian hamsters, which can normally consume more food.

Consuming an appropriate quantity of fruits and vegetables is also essential. Because every fruit and vegetable contains a unique combination of nutrients, you will need to investigate each one on its own and determine how much of it is suitable for hamsters to consume.

You should give serious thought to the nutritional impact of any novel ingredient you add to your hamsters’ food.

How Often Should I Feed My Hamster Vegetables

Your hamster can have between one-half and one teaspoon of these veggies daily, depending on the length of time between feedings.

  • Asparagus
  • Bell peppers
  • Bok choy
  • Bean sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Corn
  • Endive
  • Green beans
  • Parsnips
  • Peas
  • Potatoes (cooked)
  • Squash
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Turnip
  • Water chestnut
  • Zucchini

How Often Should You Feed a Hamster Fresh Food?

When it comes to giving your pet hamster fresh fruits or vegetables, there is an additional safety measure you need to keep in mind. Whether the hamster stores them in his store or the cheek pouches on his cheeks, these foods have a high risk of rotting or going bad quickly. These meals can become dangerous for the hamster, and if they are allowed to remain in the cheeks, they can cause tooth decay as well as other difficulties.

To prevent infection, you should throw away any of it that was left uneaten.

Hamsters should only be given very small amounts of fruit or vegetables, as this is one of the reasons why it is often suggested to do so.

How Long Can Hamsters Go Without Food?

Hamsters may go 3-4 days without food or water. Your hamster needs morning and evening meals. Each time you feed your hamster, give it half a tablespoon of hamster food combination. Don’t assume your hamster is hungry just because its food bowl is empty. Dwarf hamsters have a rapid metabolism, therefore they can consume a lot.

Essential Treats for Hamsters

Fruits are a nice treat for hamsters. Most fruits are sugary and should be given carefully.

Healthy fruit treats include:

  • Apples (seedless)
  • Bananas
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Peach (pitted)
  • Strawberries
  • Pears (seedless)
  • A range of vegetables, including:
  • Cucumber
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Green beans
  • Turnip
  • Sweetcorn
  • Lettuce
  • Kale
  • Spinach

In moderation, hamsters can also eat:

  • Peanuts
  • Pecans
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Sesame

Mixed seeds are fantastic, but your hamster may only eat the ones they favour, resulting in an uneven diet. Seed mixes should be raw and specially made for hamsters, as human-formulated mixes contain salt, sugar, and other chemicals.

Dangerous Foods for Hamsters

We strongly advise that you desist immediately from feeding your hamster any of the foods that are included on this list if you are already doing so. Even if some of the foods aren’t lethal, none of them are good options for a snack for your four-legged pal.

  • Bitter Almonds
  • Unwashed Vegetables
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers, Garlic, and Onions
  • Potatoes and beans
  • Processed sugary Foods
  • Fatty meats
  • Peanuts
  • Raw Rhubarb
  • Chocolate
  • Chips and Other Junk Food

Can You Overfeed A Hamster?

Online sites disagree on whether a hamster can be overfed. Whoa! Unbalanced treats can overfeed hamsters. According to recommendations, a hamster’s food should be 90% pellet or seed mix. 10 per cent can be fruits and vegetables. You won’t overfeed your hamster if you avoid junk food snacks.

What Is The Difference Between Syrian And Dwarf Hamster Diets?

Dwarfs consume less than Syrians. Pet retailers sell these two types of hamsters. Larger Syrian hamsters need more food. Syrian hamsters don’t enjoy millet seeds and mealworms. Both have similar nutritional needs. Only food tastes and amounts vary.

When Your Hamster Doesn’t Eat, What Should You Do?

If your hamster stops eating, it’s likely sick. They may be hoarding food. Check their bedding for late-night food, but don’t remove it. If your hamster isn’t hoarding food or eating, it’s unwell and needs a vet. Weight loss and tiredness are common. If they seem healthy but aren’t eating, they may be bored with their meals. Add healthful goodies to your hamster’s diet.

What do Hamsters Eat in the Wild?

These little animals will eat anything in the wild. They eat all plant components and dwell near farms to gather seeds and grains. These creatures eat dry grass and natural flora.

What do Hamsters Eat in Captivity?

Captive hamsters get a balanced diet. They eat nutrient-rich hamster pellets. Most hamster owners prefer seed combinations. These seed mixtures comprise seeds, cereals, and dried fruits and vegetables. Most hamster owners enjoy feeding their pets fresh veggies, fruit, and insects.

What do Baby Hamsters Eat?

Hamster puppies. Blind, naked, and deaf, pups are born. One week old, hair and teeth start growing. In their first few weeks of life, these mammals survive on mother’s milk.

Puppies start eating solid food at 10 days old and steadily increase their intake until they’re entirely weaned at 3 weeks. Hamster pups eat the same foods as adults, however, they have trouble chewing maize.

Do Hamsters Bite?

Hamsters can bite, and it’s painful. Some animals carry illnesses. Hamsters bite when threatened or when not handled properly. If your fingers smell good, these creatures may bite.

Washing your hands before touching a hamster can prevent bites. Handle your pet often and affectionately so it’s used to cuddling and affection.


Depending on their size, feed your hamster 1-2 tablespoons every day. Before increasing their daily food intake to prevent obesity, inspect their food hoard. If their hoard is large, skip a day or two of feeding to let them use it up. Fresh veggies and fruits are important, but remove any leftovers so your hamster can’t hoard them.

Here is a hamster handbook to help you care for hamsters.

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3 thoughts on “How Often Do You Feed Hamsters?”

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